Bonus: Moonlight Jenna (Patreon)
2015-05-11 08:53:40
Here we have the first pinup for my $50 patron, CGI. If you keep track of the reward tiers, anyone who donates $50/month gets a pinup commission of their choice once per month... the reward is specifically for a two character colored pinup, but since CGI suggested something with a single character I went ahead and did more complex colors to make up the difference.
This pinup is actually more detailed than what I had initially intended... I can't commit to this level of detail for all future pinups that are commissioned if anyone else is generous enough for the $50 donation tier. But when CGI pitched this idea to me I really got attached to it because I thought it would just look great if I took the time to give it some extra detail.
I've included several alts for this image... there are nude variants, as well as a futa alt with her dick tucked back between her thighs. Normally I plan any pinups with Jenna as being futa by default and I do the female version as an alt, but with this I actually did all of the initial art as female and did the futa after the fact.
I've also included all the WIP images I sent to CGI throughout the creation process