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Lily's face didn't quite come out right in the second panel... It's moments like this that I wish I gave myself more than a day to work on each update. The Patreon has been floating at around $450 for a while now... new patrons have come and gone pretty steadily, so despite more activity the actual monthly haul hasn't really increased by much. I'm worried that the comic might be hitting a bit of a plateau from the exposure it's been able to get so far... I'm considering opening up another linkshare pinup commission contest. What do you all think? It's been a while since I did one, though I'm a bit apprehensive since so few people participated last time. And remember to vote every day for Side Dishes! http://www.poll-maker.com/poll312987xE520496e-12




Your right to be apprehensive, I can understand your concern given you might be making more work for yourself for meager return. I am not sure what I can suggest regarding exposure,maybe you could do a series of pin-ups featuring a famous Futanari ( Poison comes off the top of my head straight away, if you are looking for pin-ups of Poison as a rule you are looking for Futa ) and make them available on image archiving sites like Rule 34. I know the first thing I do when I find art I like is hunt down the artist and their work. Although I must confess this could be fleeting still it might be worth a shot. This is a longshot, but how about asking some other artist's with an already established audience to look at the comic and if they like it to do a pinup or piece featuring the BCC ladies ( with a link on the image of course xP ). You never know they might be happy to help ( I know I would if I was actually had influence and you know good.... xD ). If would be nice if I could actually come up with a good idea to help... xS


I would love to get art from some more famous artists... the image I got from Taboolicious's raffle is the background for my PC right now. But I hate to ask someone for free art... if I had more money I would love to commission some people, though. Unfortunately right now I"m basically making just enough to cover rent and a few luxuries. lol though now that I think about it I might have more luck going the opposite direction... sending fanart to other artists to attract some of their fans.

John Doe

Well, you know, if you really want to take more time to work on your art, I wouldn't mind having to wait one more day for it. As for that $500 goal, I'd really like to contribute more, but as a member of the infamous proles, I wouldn't be able to afford it (plus, I've been actively trying to put aside a few bucks lately, to buy me some delicious Batman: Arkham Knight). If you want more exposure, yeah, maybe you could send your portfolio to some artists you like and offer to draw one of their characters for them (for free) as fanart. With a bit of luck, they'd put your stuff on their Tumblr page with a reblog or a link to your website and send more fans your way.