11-26 (Patreon)
2015-05-21 00:16:55
Exciting news everyone! We've hit our goal of $500/month on Patreon, and that means that soon the comic will start to update in full color! Those who donate $5 or more per month are already seeing the colored pages... for the rest of you, though, the colored pages will start with the next chapter of the comic. Initially the plan was for the comic to just start updating in color once the goal was met, even if it's the middle of a chapter, but one of the Patrons generously donated some extra money to fund the entire chapter being done in color. As long as we stay above the $500 threshold the comic will continue to update in color, and if we can get to $750/month the comic will start to update in even more elaborate colors.
Don't forget to vote for Side Dishes! Remember you can select multiple answers when you vote, and you're allowed to vote once per day.