BCC 29-09: Hi-Res Early Access (Patreon)
I know that I usually update Banana Shortcake on Mondays, but unfortunately I somehow managed to lose track of the days of the week and thought that yesterday was Saturday. So BSC will be a bit delayed. Also, tomorrow I have to take my wife to an early doctor's appointment. Hopefully it's something we can finish quickly so I'll be able to get back home and work on more comic stuff, but I thought I'd mention just in case I end up not able to finish anything. I really don't want to, since I already took a day off for Valentine's, and I'm also planning to take a day off for my wife's birthday this Friday. I feel like missing two days over a two week period isn't really a problem... if anything it's kind of unusual that I don't really take weekends off or anything, but still.