Side Dishes Chapter 2 Page 15 (Patreon)
2015-06-01 04:11:23
I hope that I was able to summarize the various story ideas that we've all managed to figure out over the life of this comic. I don't want to just make the Nah-Ri out to be the "villain" team in this conflict... obviously their thinking on sex, etc. is flawed, but I think that when we get to see the Foo-tah they're likely to have a similarly flawed view on sex... However it's still up to discussion based on suggestions.
However, one thing comes specifically from CGI... for those who don't remember, CGI has been donating his time recently by helping me with flats for the comic, and one of the things he wanted to do while flatting was give the new girls some brightly colored hair. He had the idea that they might dye their hair as part of the ceremony, and I liked the idea and felt like it didn't contradict anything (plus it gives us an excuse to introduce girls with fun hair colors). The girls in this page aren't really anyone in particular... I have a few specific girls I want to use for a few specific characters that are due to appear in the comic. But for this scene I just kind of made up a group of girls, and I left it up to CGI to decide their skin tones and hair colors.
I know that the vote had gone for having the girls arrive in the Nah-Ri village at the end of this page, but I didn't want the arrival to be crammed into a small panel, and I also wanted to have one good large panel to show off the orgy scene. So for now they're simply arriving at the outskirts of the village, and the village itself will be revealed in the future.
During the last vote one of the write-in votes that still has enough details to fit into the story was to have the girls immediately arrested and brought before Anastasia and forced to prove their divinity. That will definitely be one of the options in the next poll, though don't be shy about offering your own suggestions here.