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Part of the reason for this flashback is because the planning and scripting between Dr. Sharktopus and I involved Karen and Lily being close friends who have known each other for years... but so far in the comic they haven't really interacted. It was clear in their single conversation that they knew eachother, but just how close they are wasn't clear. Lily is actually 7 years older than Karen, so that should give you an idea of the various ages throughout this page. Actually, for the curious about ages... Karen is 18, Lily is 25, and Jenna is 36.

It was kind of fun coming up with different ideas for Jenna's hair to help convey the idea of time passing. It was a little easier with Lily, since she has her changing hair color as a quick reference point to show that each shot is at a different time. I actually liked the idea that CGI had when he flatted Lily's hair in the third panel he thought it would look better for her to have just a few streaks of dyed hair instead of a complete dye job. It makes a lot more sense, since I don't think they'd allow a girl to have green hair at a Catholic girls' school.




Wow this is pretty interesting and cute especially knowing how Lily look like as kid, knowing her full name, sexual preference and how she work in the bakery. Yeah Liliy fits that whole anime troupe of the student admiring the master to the point they have a sexual lesbian relation with her. LOL


Makes me wonder what ever happen to Lily's mom ?


I don't really have any plans for her. I didn't even fully design her... I just kind of showed enough of her to convey her presence without doing any real design for her

John Doe

That's a cute little flashback. Plus, the fact that Lily sees Karen as a sister will be a nice touch if (when) they finally hook up. More "incest" is always a good thing in the Bananaverse, IMO.


Still interested in the relevence of the flash back in relation to events ;p I am a bit of a sucker for conflict and the dynamic it brings, I am curious if the events have planted a seed, or will have things happen right off the bat, that is if anything comes of it at all. Personally I can be a tad cruel so the seed being planted could be fun xP


Good to have a bit of background on Lily and Karen's relationship. As CGI mentioned; the implications this gives indicated some emotionally heavy and cruel sex moments down the line between Karen and Lily in relation to Jenna. Lily has already shown some jealousy and now with this new backstory shows that her interest for Jenna borders on obsession. I like where this is going.