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Jenna's really not that much older than I am, but I still kind of write her like she grew up in the 70's or something. She's just kind of intimidated by technology so she doesn't really know about computers or anything. I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but she still even uses a flip phone instead of using a normal smart phone.




Hope we see more of Lily in the plot/sex scenes.


Well, I use a flip phone as well, and I was born in the 80's, so..


damn the blonde is fine

Mars Project

Jenna sounds a lot like my dad does when you try to talk tech with them.


I have family that is WAY worse with technology than Jenna. Also damn the bust on that blonde, it looks like it could rival Bianca's!


Good to see Lilly again. Not sure if I remember this correct, but was Lilly one of the girls that Jenna also got pregnant. It's been a while, so not to sure.