12-17 (Patreon)
2015-06-19 00:20:52
Whoah, exciting news! Well, for me at least... unfortunately I didn't actually attach any major rewards to this tier, but the Patreon has surpassed $650/month! All that means, though, is that I'll be able to pay for my rent... great for me, no major changes to the comic... but still, thank you all so much for your support! I've struggled to maintain a Patreon that is rewarding for the dedicated fans, but also where the comic is still free for the casual viewer and enjoyable in its own right. It really means a lot that I'm able to rely on this comic from now on to at least cover rent, and hopefully I'll be able to do even more. After working at Wal-Mart for years and going home every day with a headache it really means a lot to feel this much support while working on something that I actually love doing. If you're interested in supporting this comic through patreon don't forget that you can actually donate even less than a dollar... I have one patron right now donating simply a penny, and I'm very happy to have their support :)