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And with that this chapter is complete! If you just can't wait to see more remember that Patreon supporters who donate at least $5 a month get to see the comic much earlier than everyone else; we're already 13 pages into the next chapter! Supporters on Patreon also gain access to Side Dishes, our weekly comic practically written by the patrons, as well as hi-res copies of pages, access to the original PSD files, and more!

As for this page, the initial script that Dr. Sharktopus wrote up really just called for Anastasia to be talking to herself, but at some point one of us (can't really remember who) figured we might as well show her peeping and pleasuring herself in the process. The inclusion of Bianca and Hannah in the last panel, though, was my idea, and actually added at the last minute... I know that a lot of people have been wanting to see Hannah again since her initial appearance (which is kinda funny, since she wasn't really intended to be more than just a one-off character for one scene), so I thought I would add this as a quick little teaser for what she's gotten herself into since her last appearance. We do have plans for a more substantial scene with her but not for some time, and people ask about her so often we just wanted to give them something to let them know that we're listening to everyone's requests and suggestions.

Also, the discussion on Side Dishes has gotten very interesting! We've got a lot of really creative ideas coming from a lot of different directions, but we still need help figuring out what, specifically, should happen next in the story.



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