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Bit of a weird schedule today, I know. With this and the special Fourth of July update I uploaded earlier that puts all of you officially three weeks ahead of the main comic site. And the plan is to build up even more pages ahead of time as the comic continues. If I manage to build up another six pages ahead that would actually put you all a full month ahead of the main site. We're also working towards more complex coloring on every page, and with CGI's help with flats it seems that will be a lot less of a struggle than I had originally thought it to be.




This turned out really good, makes you wonder where it is going to go to get more intense. Lily seems to be getting into it somewhat, maybe Karen will grind her clit into Lily's butt then in the intense passion that could be coming up the aroused Jenna finally screws/makes love to her, I don't think we have had any DP yet, even if it is not traditional to do it with a mega clit xP

John Doe

Three weeks? Wow, talk about timed exclusive content. Good job, peeps. Keep it up.