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The suggestion for this character said specifically that they wanted to see Hello Nurse from Animaniacs. I figured if I just drew her in my style she would end up looking more or less like a new character, but honestly she just looks like Hello Nurse with a dick.

I'm not sure if we're going to need a poll for the next page, but I am open to ideas. It depends on how much you all want to see... if we get a lot of different incompatible ideas I'll probably do a poll, but if not I'll just look at all the ideas that are suggested and try to do as many of them as possible before doing another poll.




This is fun! I'm now imagining that this hospital is like some sort of cross-media dimensions place where all the famous cartoon nurses all work at... for reasons. Sexy reasons.


"Hellloooo Nurse!" Said in an Animaniacs voice.

Amari Rose

Oh wowwww, so did not see this coming. Can't wait to see where this is going. Hello Nurse has always been a fav of mine. Right up there with my #1 Jessica Rabbit. To see Nurse as futa, man, best of both worlds. Love it man.

A Man with Joe Name

I think we need to get a train going, with whoever is in the back underneath giving the person in front a tit-job.


Maybe have Jenna get pregnant with BOTH their child at the end of it? Just as a fun concept.

Austin Hanson

Did you hear that hypno and transformation kinks are now forbidden? Patreon is starting to suck