13-28 (Patreon)
2015-07-31 00:58:00
I need to find some ways to get more exposure for the comic. August is coming up soon, and I'm hoping to get even more support for our patreon. However, I also don't want to be obnoxious about it, like spamming ads on forums or anything. If there's one thing I've learned about the internet it's that people hate ads and self-promotion. I don't blame them... I hate it too. And I would also be somewhat offended if, say, someone were to post an ad for something in the comments. I wouldn't want to make a big deal about it, but it would make me feel a little used, y'know? Maybe I've reached that point where I need to just spend the money to buy actual ad space on a site to help promote the comic...
The voting is getting to be a tight race for this weeks' page of Side Dishes!