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It's a little tricky to keep track of five characters in one sex scene... I think for the next several pages it's more going to focus on the two different groups separately. Anyway I've got plenty to include before getting through the last winning poll option, so there's no shortage of content for this group of babes.

That aside... has everyone seen the new Sonic trailer? Kind of wild that they fully redesigned the character after fan reaction. I can't imagine throwing away hundreds of hours of work like that, but in the end it's probably for the best.




Was never the biggest Sonic fan. When I first saw the original trailer it felt like another shameless cash grab by people who just didn't care. The fact that they went out of their way to the address the criticism to the extent that they did actually has me kind of interested in the movie now.


The new design looks great, but it doesn't change the fact that it still seems like a generic buddy road trip movie, definitely not what I would want from a Sonic movie. That being said, I work at a movie theater and get to go watch movies for free, so I'll probably still be seeing it come February.