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This chapter was partly inspired by the fairly regular suggestions we get from fans who want to see Jenna have fruit shoved into her cock. I guess that's a fetish? It's not something I can recall ever seeing... but I was getting requests for it all the time. It's not something I could really justify within the main comic, since anything larger than a grape is just kind of... ridiculous. And even that is pretty weird if you think about it. So that was one of the requests that led directly to the idea of doing an extended dream sequence.

Side Dishes is being flatted now by CGI. There's a lot of forestry in this page, which means a lot of different shades of green and lots of little leaves, etc. This is one of those pages where the flatting is probably going to be harder to flat than to shade lol so it's times like these when I'm extra relieved to have CGI donating his time.



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