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Sindra is definitely proving to be the most popular of the monster girls. To be honest I had assumed that Aqua Vert would be getting more attention, since there's just so much you can do with a slime, although I'm not too surprise Feuille hasn't gotten too much love yet... she's not quite so obviously sexy compared to the others, at least in the sense of what you could do with her. There's definitely room to have her use plants and vines in an erotic way, but it's not quite as "in your face" as Sindra's huge purple horsecock.

Pages with a lot of foliage are odd because they're actually kind of easy to draw... there's a lot of room to just sketch and express yourself compared to the straight lines and perspective of something more like a building or a vehicle, but all those little lines, curves, etc. actually make it very difficult and time consuming to flat. Pages like this are when I'm really, really grateful to CGI for donating his time to help with doing the flat colors.

Another challenge I face is when I'm posting the comic I have to force myself not to try to guide the story too much. I have ideas for where I would like the comic to go, but I feel like if I blatantly throw my support behind one idea it might skew the votes a little too much. Although I do like to post a few prompts to help focus the story... so at this point I have to ask whether fans want to see what happens next with Lily, Bianca, and Sindra, or do we want to check in on Aqua Vert with Eve? Of course she might already be interacting with Anastasia or Lily's crew, although perhaps she's waiting for Sindra and Anastasia is meeting Lily's crew on her own instead. Although the story could still go in any other direction as well... maybe its time to give Feuille some focus lol though I admit I can't think of exactly what to do with her as she sits alone on top of the mountain, although once she establishes her connection with the plants of the island who knows what she can do...



Quinn Adlard

hmmm ok. gona have to have a think about this one.


Nice panel I was looking at the top 3 choices I was surprise all three where mine.


As for suggestion the first one is going to be Lily draw her sword then try to attack Sindra. Sindra then block the sword attack with her cock which causes the sword to shatter. Sindra then lifts up Lily by her legs where she is facing upside down where Sindra can see Lily's pussy then begins licking it with her long tongue. This act cause Sindra cock to become full erect and gives some her energy back. Doing this makes Sindra realize that Lily is no ordinary girl and not from this island. Next Bianca summon a magical attack and hit Sindra which causes her to flee and fly back into the air to go seek Aqua. ....................... My second Idea starts back in the village where Anastasia meets Kat and Lily's crew where they get into a conversation since these are outsiders not from this island visiting the village chief. Anastasia becomes very interested in Kat's friends and offer them to eat with her in her private feast room for special guest. You see everyone is sitting down and loads of different foods is on the table some are coated with this white sticky substance (cum) on them. One of the girls from lily's crew or all them see a strange fruit that catch there eye and begins to eat it. Anastasia begins to laugh saying things are about to get interesting which cause the girl or girls to feel and saying there is something growing between there legs. .................. My third idea is maybe have Aqua climb up the hut and try to sneak into the private quarters of Anastasia to find the messing jewel. Aqua later finds it but hear somebody coming to the room where she then panicked and begins to shapeshift to look like a futa tribe girl. Anastasia walks into to her private quarters to fresh up because Kat and her friends came in and see a new girl she thinks is from her tribe. Anastasia begins to say I see you are eager to have a private lesson with your leader, where you see Anastasia is sitting on the edge of her bed with her legs open with her cock out with a smile on her face. Which you see Aqua shapeshift form smile back at her and say anything to please her queen then the panel ends.


I agree this will need some thought... xP OH While I think of it, I am not sure if anybody is Interested but there are some Erotic Visual Novel Bundles kicking around at the moment at reasonable prices ( A Bloody Rarity for sure ) This one has Boob Wars in it ( I like that one ;p ) <a href="https://www.indiegala.com/manga" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.indiegala.com/manga</a> And the minimum spend on this one is $3 so.... yeah xD <a href="https://groupees.com/vn3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://groupees.com/vn3</a> With any luck I informed somebody who is interested ;)


Oh snap! Great page! Gave a bit of thought to what could happen next. - Change scenes to Anastasia and Lily's crew finally meeting in her private chambers. They find Anastasia surrounded by a harem of pregnant Nah-ri. With Anastasia currently getting her erect cock vigorously licked by twin sisters. - Change scenes to Anastasia and Lily's crew having already had introductions. Anastasia is now demanding that the three woman pleasure her to demonstrate their good intentions. With the promise that if they satisfy her then she will help them find Lily. - Change scenes back to Eve and Aqua Vert. With Aqua finally allowing Eve to cum. Eve then passes out from such an intense orgasm and Aqua uses Eve's cum to assume her form. - Change scenes back to Eve and Aqua Vert. Aqua pulls her entire form into Eve's cock, causing her balls to swell to the size of small watermelons. Aqua then forces the now mentally exhausted Eve to go to Anastasia. - Keep with Lily, Bianca, and Sindra. Bianca and Sindra speak to each other in a "its been a long time." sort of conversation. With Lily noting in a mix of excitement and concern at the massive, pulsing and erect horse-cock that Sindra has been massaging while talking. - Keep with Lily Bianca, and Sindra. Lily doesn't bother for introductions and charges at Sindra sword drawn. However, Lily's bravery is short lived as Sindra uses her erect cock to parry the blade, causing the simple metal sword to shatter against her diamond tough skin.


Hmmm I like that first one and the last two :)


lol I like the fact that they'll all be easily transcribed into voting options... that's' always a challenge when someone has an idea with a lot of details that are difficult to summarize

Quinn Adlard

i'm really drawing a blank. i think i might skip to the voting on this one.