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Sorry for the lack of a comic today, patrons. I was out of the house for most of the day, so I wasn't able to  really work on a proper comic page. Lol so I'm kind of taking my labor day "break" early so that I won't lose my head start that kinda makes Patreon actually valuable. This morning I was talking to Rainbow Flyer about how I wouldn't really be able to get a full comic finished today, so I was trying to think of a pinup I could draw (since pinups, unless they're particularly complex, usually take less time than a comic page to draw). To be honest I didn't even realize Labor Day was coming up until she mentioned it and suggested that I should do a barbecue themed picture. Then after the idea was basically settled on (with the hot dog bun) I was talking to CGI about the idea and I wasn't sure if I should go cute and relatively innocent by giving her an apron that just says "Kiss the Cook", or if it would be better to go naughty with "Fuck the Cook" or something similar. He had the much more creative idea to go for a halfway point by adding the arrow.



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