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I'm sure a lot of you have guessed about something like this before now, but it's pretty exciting to finally get to this part of the story. Dr. Sharktopus and I have been talking about for a long time, and recently CGI has actually been helping us to refine it. I think, based on the "shadowy figure" seen earlier plus this page you can probably figure out a lot about Jenna at this point.  I was a bit worried that this page would be a bit too exposition heavy, but sometimes you just need that in a story to get things going. When I had planned this page Anastasia was actually speaking out loud, but while working on it I realized that, for one, the story doesn't quite work that we have planned out if Jenna hears what she's saying... plus I feel like that would be weird to actually verbalize out loud (even if it is in a dream).

Side Dishes is getting some interesting conversation, although we're also looking for more suggestions on what should happen in the next page.




This turned out really good :) although I must say the horny thing made me chuckle... because she now has a horn... xP erm... I will show myself out... xD


i hope this ends up with one final huge growth scene for everyone, that'd definitely be a nice way to go about ending the chapter in my opinion


fill her with goddess cum til she explodes. dream over!!!


I take Jenna lust is on a whole other level, I would expect her to fuck in the air since she can fly LOL


Fantastic! Really digging Jenna's look. Very fitting way to approach what I assume to be the final leg of this chapter.


So Jenna = Goddess + Mother Father....that means she's the Godfather, the Sex Mafia Chief!!! :D Ok, after this very bad joke (:p), I wonder if she will adddress her lust towards the monster girls or towards Anastasia (I'd prefer the 2nd option :p)? ...or maybe she will simply wake up with a huge orgasm (maybe "caused" by Karen, who noticed Jenna's erection caused by her dream and so decided to...exploit the situation? BTW....I assume Karen is a sort of "demi-goddess"....or not?) ^__^