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The She-Hulk story won by a pretty decent margin, which I think mostly comes from the fact that I've kind of cultivated a fanbase of muscle lovers at this point. As per usual, I"m going to work on the script for this story over the rest of the week, and when it's finished I'll post it so anyone interested can share their input and hopefully improve the story even further.



Saint Uther

Woo I am soo happy I love she-hulk and cant wait to see those sexy transformation sequences.


I actually wasn't planning to do transformation, since I was planning to just jump in on the action... but that's a good point. Transformation is part of the appeal of She-Hulk so I should probably include some


That title LOL She Hing alright

Brad C

Bleh, muscle is the opposite of what I want, but I'll focus on the nice soft cheerleader in the main story rather than get salty about this.