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Rather than try to simply redo the earlier cover I wanted instead to take the cover in a different direction. In the original cover the focus was more on showing the big blue sky above Jenna to help reinforce the idea that she's outside, but this time the focus is more on showing off a more solid background to help it feel a bit more real. Jenna, too, is in a much more subdued perspective. I was kind of paranoid about anatomy, since that was the biggest problem with the first cover, so this time I stuck much more faithfully to my reference picture.

So if you can't tell, this chapter is going to focus on Jenna going out in public and having some fun, and the necklace Bianca received earlier will play an important part in the upcoming story...

Tomorrow I'll be starting the polls for the next page of Side Dishes, so if you have any ideas of your own you'd love to see then be sure and post it now.



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