Banana Sundae: 1-23 PSD (Patreon)
2015-10-18 18:15:04
I'm really happy with all the extra details that Rainbow Flyer has been coming up with for Anastasia's backstory. In Dr. Sharktopus's original script she really didn't have too much of a backstory written... even her relationship to Bianca wasn't fully established or uh... her actual name. We never did finalize Bianca or Anastasia's names until they were said out loud in chapter 9. I can't even remember what Anastasia's last name is off the top of my head, although I do have it written down somewhere. We've given her a lot of freedom to do what she wants with the character... now we do need to approve her ideas before she commits to them, just to make sure that they don't conflict with any of the lore that we've already come up with, but so far I can't actually think of any time we've rejected one of her ideas...