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In case you missed the announcement on the page earlier, I've recently been interviewed by Mikandi about Banana Cream Cake.

So at this point the comic is going to focus on Jenna taking advantage of her newfound imperceptibility to do some naughty things in public, but something that Dr. Sharktopus and I haven't been able to fully settle on is just how far Jenna should go with the women she encounters while she's out on the town. I feel like she shouldn't do any more than maybe some groping, but Dr. Sharktopus is kind of uncertain if she should just go all out with penetration and everything. I'm worried that it's a little out of character for her, plus y'know... rape. But I'm curious to see what the fans think.




i think she shoudnt have sex but cum on them/ cum in/on there food and drink / body


Nothing should be off the table. Setting self imposed limits before the chapter is really off the ground seems like a bad direction. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is a erotic sex comic. So half the fun is in Jenna escalating the sexual shenanigans as the chapter progresses.


Well I am more for the going all out concept but I understand if you guys are "worried" you could make her have sex with certain characters. But my thing I would recommend you guys is be creative with the concept. Like you can do a lot of cum play where she cum on things and make them eat her since it has magical properties it can have different effects to certain people. You can have Jenna do a lot of sexual jokes and pranks on people for example like Jenna pulling down Lily pant's, Jenna Stroking Anastasia off in her office or cause Anastasia's nun outfit to malfunction or have Jenna go to her daughter's school and pull pranks there and maybe some of her teachers there LOL. Plus we haven't seen Trixe's friend in a while or that doctor.


Ok..a classic of hentai should be fine for everyone :) Sex in a bus (on in a metro train): Jenna behind a sexy woman gets an erection and the other one is surprised, but more than pleased to have some stealth sex (it usually happens from behind and close to a glass door/window, to show tits and all to the readers but not to the travellers... :D