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Rainbow Flyer needs another day to finish up Banana Sundae, so this comic is going up today and BS will go up on Monday this week.

This page was actually kind of the point of the whole chapter. I had read an article talking about BDSM, and one of the things the article talked about that I've never really seen in fiction is the "cooldown" afterward. It's common for the emotional and physical toll to just kind of break a person down to a crying mess... but also how important that release is. From what I understand actual sex is fairly uncommon mid-session, but it's normal to use sex to help wind back to reality afterward. This comic is still not a totally accurate version of that idea, since there's still going to be more sex before this chapter is over. But I just really liked this idea, and I wanted to have a way to introduce that concept into the comic.

And hey, it's your last chance to vote on Side Dishes.



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