15-11 (Patreon)
This character, though, is basically all my creation, since Dr. Sharktopus didn't really have any plans or anything. I knew I wanted to give him a mobster nickname, and after realizing his purpose in this page is to deliver an item to Bianca I figured it would make sense for that to be his specialty, and that's how we got to the Gopher thing. I had actually thought of just calling him "Gopher", but that doesn't seem like something somebody would actually go with, and so I added "Ronnie". Somehow I felt like someone who would call themselves that would have a pretty flashy personality, and the rest of his look just kinda fell into place. CGI actually picked out the specific colors for his outfit, and I think he got the character down on the first try.
Also, just a heads up that there won't be an early access page today. I have a writing commission that I haven't given enough time to yet and the deadline is drawing near, and I just really need to get it finished.
Also, there's still time to offer your suggestions if you want to contribute to Side Dishes!