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Holy shit, first we had some straight male on female sex in Banana Sundae, then a male character actually showed up in the comic! This character actually came about because I've had a few people question whether men even exist in this universe, seeing as only one male character has ever appeared, and he was just some guy int he background. When Dr. Sharktopus first pitched this chapter to me the character that delivered an item to Bianca was a woman and didn't really have any specific look or personality... And since the character didn't actually participate in any of the sex, I asked him what he thought about just making the character male since it doesn't really make a difference for the scene. Dr. Sharktopus was all for it, since there's not really a problem with men appearing in the comic lol although he's very strict on Jenna never having sex with a male. We just haven't really had a reason to draw one in the comic.

This character, though, is basically all my creation, since Dr. Sharktopus didn't really have any plans or anything. I knew I wanted to give him a mobster nickname, and after realizing his purpose in this page is to deliver an item to Bianca I figured it would make sense for that to be his specialty, and that's how we got to the Gopher thing. I had actually thought of just calling him "Gopher", but that doesn't seem like something somebody would actually go with, and so I added "Ronnie". Somehow I felt like someone who would call themselves that would have a pretty flashy personality, and the rest of his look just kinda fell into place. CGI actually picked out the specific colors for his outfit, and I think he got the character down on the first try.

Also, just a heads up that there won't be an early access page today. I have a writing commission that I haven't given enough time to yet and the deadline is drawing near, and I just really need to get it finished. 

Also, there's still time to offer your suggestions if you want to contribute to Side Dishes!



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