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Some more cameos in the center panel lol bonus points to anyone who recognizes them.

I mentioned it earlier, but I know some people only read the early access pages, so I'll talk about it again. Patreon is changing how they display patreon pledge values in an attempt to better reflect how much money creators are actually receiving through their patreon. The numbers are adjusted to account for money lost through taxes and fees, and also has some sort of system for predicting how much money will be lost through declined pledges. Because the system is new and I don't know quite how accurate it is, I'm going to continue to honor the pledge goals we've already hit, meaning basically that I'll continue to do the full rendering in each page, at least until next month. However, once the next month starts things are going to be getting a bit more strict... those who decline pledges will have their accounts removed from the patron list, and I'll be following the displayed pledge value for pledge goals and rewards.

Hopefully, though, the Banana Short Cake fan comics will be able to get more attention to the patreon, and maybe attract future patrons who maybe aren't specifically into everything that appears in BCC. Since the R. Mika story won the poll I'll actually start working on the comic tomorrow. The plan is to draw this first story quickly... For the next ten days I'll be drawing a page of this comic every other day. However, in the future, these short stories will be produced more sporadically, and they're on average going to be drawn once a month.

And don't forget to keep voting on Side Dishes for this week.




I'm not gonna lie, It really sucks having to downgrade after progressing as far as you did. But still, it'd be worth it to see Cassie cum in front of everyone in the diner... that, and the thought of Cassie fucking Lisette's face.


Well this sure was interesting LOL Please tell that is Farah I see from Gabe's game right ? LOL


I don't think so... you might have to guess again.. ;p Also, it certianly is interesting, it seems that without Jenna to focus on while being effected by her jizz, Cassandra is directing what would normally be a lust for Jenna onto the person she was focusing on. mainly Lissette... I see this Knecklace being a rather fun yet dangerous object in the future.. xP


Is Lisette not wearing any panties?