16-05 (Patreon)
2015-11-16 02:28:57
In case you forgot, I'm starting up a recurring series of short stories that I'm going to be calling Banana Shortcake. It's going to be a series of fan comics, based on suggestions from all fans and decided on by Patron votes. Our first short story is going to be a Street Fighter fan-comic starring R. Mika and her partner, Nadeshiko. You can see a preview of the first page here: http://transmorpherdds.deviantart.com/art/Banana-Shortcake-First-Page-Preview-572324993 , and those who donate at least $5/month can see the page right now at http://patreon.com/bananacreamcake
It's not going to be a patreon exclusive series, though... part of the intent is to produce short stories that can be easily shared. Once this short story is complete I'll put Banana Cream Cake on pause for a week to post the story here for everyone to see, and I even encourage everyone to download and share it where ever you want after it goes up. However, in the future I'll actually wait until between chapters to actually post more comics from Banana Shortcake. For now, though, if you have your own idea for a short story you'd like to see go ahead and let me know and there will be a chance it will be drawn soon!