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This is probably going to be the easiest page of this comic to draw, since it's got a lot more closeups than any of the others in the script, but it's still much more time consuming than a regular page of BCC. I tried a new technique for the cum that actually turned out not to be as time consuming as I had initially assumed it would be, so I might start doing it for the main comic. I think it makes it look more goopy and fluid.

For those who aren't quite sure, I chose to have Nadeshiko be ball-less for this comic. Partly just because I felt like having a change of pace, but I also wanted it to be fairly obvious that she's intended to be a futa in this story and not a trans-sexual. Lol it's a little less trouble to just not give her balls and let her pussy be visible than to give her balls and to make sure to expose her pussy somehow at some point.



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