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So I wanted to get this story out to the public sooner to help get more attention for this side series, so Banana Cream Cake is going to be on pause for this week in order to share this short story of Street Fighter.

For those who didn't notice me talking about it before, this is the start of a new side-series of short fan comics based on reader suggestions, and ultimately decided on by Patron votes. While I'm pausing Banana Cream Cake for a week to share this, in the future I'll actually be posting these comics between chapters instead, so it should average out to about one short story per month. If you have any ideas for a comic you think I should share you can go ahead and send a comment or an email to bananacreamcakecomic@gmail.com . Fans who donate on Patreon get to see the pages as their drawn, while for others they'll have to wait until between chapters to see the comic pages.



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