Banana Shortcake: 1-05 Low-Res Early Access (Patreon)
2015-11-24 06:51:29
And with that this short story is completed! I'm really happy with how this came out... I think it's definitely a bit rushed, but I think it works as a cute one-off story. I'm going to wait until this comic goes completely live on the main site before I start up a poll again.
I had initially planned to show more of Jaycee in that first panel, but when I was looking up reference I found a really dynamic pinning pose and I wanted to use that for sure, even though it basically hides her face entirely. Lol though maybe that works in terms of making this more of a Street Fighter story. I initially just had a pink burst in the reveal panel of Mika's pregnant belly, but I thought it would fit her a bit more thematically to add a rainbow gradient.