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We're finally back to normal BCC lol. In the future we won't be interrupting BCC to tell these Banana Shortcake stories; rather, they'll be posted between chapters.

So with Christmas coming up CGI was keen to send a gift my way, but didn't want to deal with all the fees most money sending systems have in place, so I went ahead and just set up an Amazon wishlist. I don't know if anyone is interested in something like that rather than just pledging on Patreon, but I figured there'd be no harm in it. Lol although I'm not offering any kind of reward for it, it'd just be a nice thing if anyone's interested. Lol though I might offer something if someone buys that Zelda 3DS I have in my list. http://amzn.com/w/3LLQDHLWAMF4L

Also, don't forget to offer any suggestions you might have for the next page of Side Dishes.

We're also starting up the next poll for Banana Shortcake. The poll will run until Sunday, and as opposed to the first chapter I'll be working on this story sporadically instead of every other day.

Oh, and it's the end of the month, and that means it's time to finalize this month's pledges. In the past we've just kind of... ignored declined pledges... mostly because I just liked having a large number on my Patreon page, but now I've realized that gives people a wrong impression of how much I'm actually making from the series. So this month I'll be waiting a week for anyone to finalize their pledge... but after that point I'll be removing patrons who decline their pledge.



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