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I hope you're all ready lol this pairing has been one of the more frequent requests for the comic, and we've wanted to do it for a while, but it's taken a little while to get to a part of the comic where we could justify this happening. Outside of the dream sequence, obviously.

It seems that we're not actually going to be getting enough confirmed pledges to reach our $750 goal for fully rendered pages, so this chapter will be rendered in cel shading. I'll be using the extra time from the simpler rendering to take on commissions and do other work to make some extra money to make up the difference.

For those wondering, despite our over $900 in pledges, only $670 has actually been confirmed in pledges so far, which is only a dollar more than what got processed last month. So if enough patrons either finalize their pledge or change their declined pledge to confirmed I'll go back and finish up the cel-shaded pages.

Just to remind everyone, if you decline your pledge for the month your account will be removed from our patreon.

Don't forget to keep voting on what will be drawn for the next chapter of Banana Shortcake!

And don't forget to vote every day until Sunday for the next page of Side Dishes!

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can't wait to see what you have in store this time XD


Hmmm...obviously Bianca will play the dominant role in the pairing...but I wonder if she will be able to keep that status if you-know-who should go in "berserker mode" for some reasons... :) P.S. Sorry for the many unconfirmed pledges...that really sucks :/

Extremist Comics

I feel bad voting for the DOA story because it's so similar to the first one but it sounds really great. Also, futas having to work off accidental boners is super hot and futas getting turned on during a catfight is super hot, both together is almost dangerously sexy.


I don't think they're too similar... they both have a similar premise but the actual execution is world's different


Mulfutas huh...... Well we got Bianca and Anastasia, I wonder what kind of damage those two are going to do, unless there are more milfutas out there LOL