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I think it takes a certain kind of woman to just casually brush aside a magic amulet, but if any woman can pull it off it would be Bianca. Although she does have several decades of experience in keeping her skills hidden. 




i'm curious if theres gonna be any growth this chapter


Bianca is like a good fine wine always interesting when you taste it LOL Knowing more about her skills is really interesting.


It's also good to see how gently Bianca is preventing Jenna from getting dehydrated... :D


I hate to disappoint you, but nah. Jenna's powers don't necessarily cause simple growth, but instead it changes a woman's body to more become their ideal lol and Bianca is confident enough in her own body that she wouldn't change too much. Lily is similar... she likes her own body quite a lot, which is why she hasn't undergone any major body changes despite being Jenna's daily sex-companion