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Sometimes I wonder if this comic would be more successful if it was a bit more... vanilla. Like, if it avoided the whole futanari and incest angle. Lol not that I'm planning to change any time soon, but that's just one of the weird thoughts that runs through my head while working on the comic.




Well, I'm supporting this comic because of the futanari element, myself.


You said the words anytime soon I don't like that LOL But if you know the reason why I really love your comic is that it's a really unique and interesting western futanari comic which is really rare for the futanari genre. Most of time the eastern world are kings of this genre, why I like for yours how you set the bar as far as length, interesting plots you choice, fan feedback/ ideas, and color is a added plus ;)


I can certainly tell you that my primary reason for supporting this series for as long as I have is because of the core fact that it is futanari related.