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I started on this yesterday, but kept getting pulled away from my computer so I couldn't finish it. I hate to say it, but I'm going to be away for a full week to help my Mom with all that stuff that inevitably comes up when a loved one dies.

That aside, go ahead and keep giving suggestions for what you want to see in this comic! I had a bit of fun designing Maxie's completely nonsensical chain-stun-gun... although part of me is hoping she loses it fairly early so I don't have to keep drawing the damn thing :P



Makuta Teradox

Love the design, nerd meets heavy weapon girl. The zombies could have an addictive/aphrodisiac quality to their sperm to bring in targets and makes them more susceptible to the virus.


Wow! Really digging the design. Great mix of heavy weapons girl meets computer tech nerd. And take all the time you need! Family comes first.


Maxie looks awesome. She and Inara look perfect for this.