Jenna Biography: Hi-Res Early Access (Patreon)
Writing a fairly succinct biography for Jenna was actually pretty hard, since it's kind of hard to figure out just the information that someone would really need to be able to jump in to later chapters and be able to keep up with what's happening. Lol I also had to decide on a last name for Vincent... that was actually something Dr. Sharktopus and I discussed for a while... whether or not Del Ricci would be Jenna's surname at birth, or if it was Vincent's last name and she took it when they got married. I don't remember when exactly we decided it was just her name, but it meant I had to find another Italian name to give her husband.
This isn't the sexiest pinup, but I wanted the illustration to really focus on clothing and design that really summarizes the character moreso than just being a solid standalone pinup.
It's a lot easier to draw these pinups than to draw full comic pages lol so I feel like this is working as a way to take a "break" while still giving the fans something. I'll be working on these bios on and off whenever I have a day where I don't have enough time to work on a full page. I'll definitely be doing another bio pinup tomorrow, though. My plan was actually to do a bio on Karen, but now I'm wondering... is there a particular character the fans want to see a bio for first?