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When I asked everyone which biography they wanted to see next, the one character that showed up in everyone's list was Kat. Lol it's a little tricky because there's still some secrets I want to keep with Kat, but I think some of the things revealed in this biography page will hopefully intrigue fans for future developments. I think the most surprising reveal in this is probably Kat's weight... it's not completely ridiculous, but for such a muscular woman it's not quite normal. But maybe that just seems odd to me because it's the one unusual fact that hasn't really been hinted at in the comic at all.

Her last name is actual Roman... her mother's first name is also of Roman origin as well, though her middle name is actually Egyptian. This is also where we reveal that the Sphinx's name is Jieru. Rainbow Flyer actually named the Sphinx, though to be honest I'm not really sure where the name came from for that.

I actually had this whole pinup drawn with her simply nude lol but at the last minute I decided to draw her skimpy outfit before I started on the inks. She's basically wearing the world's smallest sling bikini under some latex booty shorts lol

I don't know when I'll be working on another Bio page like this lol I do want to eventually get them done for all the characters. I might even end up updating some of them in the future in case some major changes happen to the characters. For now, though, whenever I need to take a light day in the future, which character would you guys want to see next?



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