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So I was sitting there thinking, "the new page hasn't gotten any comments. Do people not like it?" Then I tried to remember what the author's comment was, in case it was something that might... I dunno, make people not want to comment? Then I realized I just hadn't uploaded the page yet. Oops!

I think the problem was, as I was finishing this page, I started talking to my DM about the Halloween D&D one-shot we're going to be playing on the 31st, to make up for the fact that we won't really be able to go anywhere that day for any fun Halloween stuff. We're running a modern fantasy game with a group of teenagers going trick or treating for the last time before it gets way too embarrassing for them, and I'm playing as a Lizardfolk Rogue dressed as a lawyer... which is to say, wearing one of those cheap Ben Cooper masks of a normal human and an ill fitting suit.



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