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I'm not too surprised to find that this chapter has turned out to be a bit polarizing, especially compared to the much more vanilla Street Fighter short story I published earlier. I just wanted to talk for a little bit about why I'm working on this series... first of all I just wanted an excuse to work on something with different characters for a change, so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to do some fan comics.

I also wanted to give an additional benefit to my Patrons. I rely almost entirely on Patreon for my income, so I wanted to offer something unique for them, but I also didn't want to have too much content hidden behind a paywall for more casual fans. So that's why I've been open to suggestions for short stories from all the fans, but only allowed Patrons to vote, and gave them early access to these short comics.

I'm sorry to fans who don't enjoy this sort of thing, and I'm sure this isn't going to convince people to start liking it, but the truth of the matter is simply that "money talks" lol. If you'd like to have more input on what kind of short stories get produced in the future, the option to vote is available to all patrons. Even if you pledge even less than a dollar a month you can still help decide what short stories get published between chapters, plus there are plenty of other pledge incentives.



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