18-14 (Patreon)
2016-03-11 01:17:36
Apparently Texas passed some kind of legislation that restricts the sale of birth control, including condoms. I'm having trouble finding specifics on the law, and I think most retailers in Texas are having a similar problem, so just to be safe it seems like most of them are just pulling condoms off of store shelves and putting them in security cases or something similar. Not long ago there was a highly publicized debate on women's health in general, and abortions in specific, and when it came time to vote there was a filibuster to prevent voting at all... then someone in the government just rolled the clock back afterward and they tried to just vote on it again anyway, which led to a whole shitstorm. So now I'm pretty sure they're just passing the same or similar laws anyway, and just trying to do them quietly so that people don't get in the way of whatever it is they think they're doing.