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We've pretty consistently had the alien speak at this point, so I'm making an executive decision to treat her as a fully intelligent being for this story. I think that's how most people have been treating her so far, so I think it will help to guide suggestions to just establish that as a fact at this point. So there is still the potential for the girls to converse with the alien... maybe argue, maybe make a deal lol or maybe she's intelligent, but to her she sees the girls as nothing but breeding cattle, so she might not care about their opinions. Either way, it's up to the readers to decide.

For the newborn alien I made sure to give it the same look as the alien's cock... so I suppose this a species that basically grows dick-first. It might even be the case that the penis is the "core" of the alien... she's a shapeshifter anyway, so it's not clear whether or not that's even her "true form", or just a structure she built around her body. That's one of the nice things about a shape shifting character lol... if there's any particular body type or even a character you want to see in the comic, she can simply shape shift into it.

At this point, though, I suppose the question is whether we want to follow more of the breeding process with Jackie, and if so what each girl does in it, or we could focus on the hunt for Lisette. Actually, it's even possible that Lisette is looking for something to use to fight back and rescue the girls... lol or it could be like one of the other suggestions recommended, and she's panicking and curled up in a ball somewhere.



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