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Happy April Fool's everyone. I know that a lot of sights online use April Fool's to pull elaborate pranks, and I'm definitely not above that, but I also like taking opportunity of the "holiday" (or whatever it's considered) to just do something absurd. I initially wasn't planning anything for today... I had even talked to Lemonfont about doing some kind of crossover with our characters for April Fool's, but I couldn't actually think of anything clever to do with the idea. But when I was talking to Rainbow-Flyer she suddenly came up with the idea to do a hostess pie parody, and I liked the idea so much I figured I'd run with it.

I'm quite plased with the aged look on the page. It's not perfect, but for a quick facsimile I think it manages to get the point across that I was going for.

Also, remember to keep voting on the upcoming page of Side Dishes. I'm actually a little surprised that the option that includes "peeing" (although it's actually a clothes-acid) is winnning. I'm always worried about offending readers, but it seems like my audience is largely more open to this kind of stuff than I think.




LOL Its was pretty cool, I can see it being more funny if you keep doing it a later on in the future. Like the old school comic book style I was thinking you should have this related to the actual story like we found out Karen or Kat is the artist all along that has been making this comic LOL Of course she gets caught by her comics by the head mistress. You can have to where there is a arc where she is selling her comics in school and at a comic shop, which could include a interesting comic shop owner maybe she is a secrete futa witch thats been keeping a low profile. There is so many ideas you can do with this LOL XD

Extremist Comics

Anastasia's boobs look even bigger here. Actually, idea: superhero Side Dishes sounds cool.


Yeah, it was one of the options in Side Dishes, though it got fairly average numbers of votes. I think it might do better now that people have some kind of visual reference for what it might look like