Side Dishes 3-11 (Patreon)
2016-04-25 06:24:45
lol this is another page that took longer than planned, mostly because there are just so many different characters in this page, even if the Moonlily crew is barely shown. I made sure to show the baby aliens a bit in the first couple panels so they don't seem to be just appearing from nowhwere to feed on Lisette's milk.
So we've got all our characters together in one place. Should Lisette get brainwashed as well, or do you think the alien would leave her with her mind at this point? Either way, I think we should start pushing toward some kind of finale. From here on out, if you have an idea for a final page, I'll add it to the list of options. Just try and clarify if your idea is meant to be a finale lol or if you have an idea that could be a finale, but could also continue the story I'm open to the idea of just listing it twice and labelling one of the options as "finale".