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The winning poll choice this week is for a Finale! That means this story is going to finish with the next page, and then we're going to do the same thing we did last time... we'll start with a page transitioning between stories with our Goddess Lussuria, and we'll use that time to hammer out the specifics of the upcoming story.

That said... let's get some suggestions for the setting of the upcoming chapter. And also let's open up some suggestions on just how the structure of the story should go. I deliberately asked for ideas that could be kept fairly short for this chapter, so now I'm curious if people want to see more short stories, or if there's more interest in getting back to a longer form story.




That little alien went flying LOL As for the story you know my opinion on that I am fan of long stories, I dont have a problem with short stories but not when there too short........ you said suggestions for upcoming chapter, are we still doing chapters on this setting or is it another vote on the other stories too ?


WE could continue the story in this world if that's what people want, or even go back to one of our previous Side Dishes stories. But just any setting suggestion is welcome


As for suggestion settings: The Fallout story again where another survivor of Vault 101 goes out to travel falls into toxic waste which gives here a futa cock. There travels to various running into super mutants (which are female in lore), Exploring Vault 69 where there is a town inside that collects futa girls like her because of her cock milk which rare since the world ended................................................................ Second story setting Which would be a prequel to a up coming project, centers on medieval fantasy of Lisette which she is a goblin girl who begins to raid a deserted wagon that belong to a wizard. She finds a potion and begins to drink which makes grow her 6 inch green cock and orange size balls. From there we see Lisette raiding and stealing various goods and woman to impregnate from nearby village/towns and travelers along the road as she rides through the ranks to be the Cock Goblin Queen. ........................................................................ Third story setting How about a break out prison story, what different about this prison is its a very corrupt prison in a island with two security areas. You have the behind bars type of area, then you have a area for the hardcore criminals which is know as the "The Jungle". If you fuck up or don't listen to the head guard you get sent there which run by horny futa criminal clicks looking for there victim to breed and join there gang. Its going to start with Nina arriving in this prison for a crime she didn't do, while there she notice guards having cocks treating the inmates like shit by feeding them food with there cum on it or cum in general in a doggy bowel, blowing them, and fucking the inmates what every they feel like it, and playing favorites to certain inmates. Also there are experiments on the inmates turning some of them into futa girls and various things. The plot is Nina trying to break out the prison with her roommate Anastasia and other inmates, The Warden is going to be Lisettes (got to have a short warden LOL), Cassandra-Bianca- Liang as the head guards, and Ms Cleo being the scientist doing the experiments.


Sounds good lol though for the sake of letting patrons vote a bit more your ideas will probably be simplified... well, actually the first two ideas don't need too much other than maybe the wording to be changed, but for the third idea I think that a lot of the specifics would probably be omitted. I think I might simplify it in the poll to "Nina gets taken to a remote jail for a crime she didn't commit. Once inside she finds that all the guards are corrupt futas, who use the female prisoners as playthings." There's a lot of different directions we could go from there lol I like the idea of Lisette as the warden as well, but I think who exactly the warden is could be something worth polling for.