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Lisette has quickly become one of our most popular characters. For one she seems to always get a positive response when pages with her go up, but she's also been getting a lot of attention in Side Dishes. Aside from being one of the stars in the last chapter, a lot of the ideas suggested for potential Side Dishes stories had her in a key role. How tall do you think she is? I just go off the rule that she's face-to-tits with Jenna's height, but I'm not very good at figuring out character height.

Also, there's plenty of time to discuss what we want to see happen next in Side Dishes. We'll be continuing the alien story, but how, exactly, we'll be doing that remains to be seen. I also think that it seems safe to say that we're going to start alternating between Side Dishes and Shortcake, but instead we'll be doing two pages a week instead of just one.

I've also decided that I'm not going to bother with the plain linework version of pages anymore. I've started to increasingly design the pages completely with digital coloring in mind, so the linework versions are often outright incomplete. Lol if someone is really interested in the linework the best way to see it is the PSD version.



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