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I've been having some odd trouble with my Drawing Tablet lately. The tablet itself seems to work fine, but after using it for a couple hours my Tablet Pen will get over-sensitive... with it registering a touch when the pen is just hovering over the tablet. (I'm not sure how familiar everyone is with tablets, but most art tablets these days can sense the pen a few inches above the surface, but only register a "click" when the pen comes in contact with the tablet). However... if I just switch to my backup pen, suddenly it works fine, but after a while that pen will start to detect inaccurately in the same way... and switching back to the original pen seems to fix it.

Anyway, I've basically found a Fix for the problem, I'm just not sure what the actual technical problem I'm facing is, or what I should even look up to try and resolve this more permanently.




Oh after she makes jenna cum, she should stand up in victory then jenna looms behind her Inara turns seeing jenna's lust filled face and makes a oh boy comment. Then jenna picks Inara up puts here in a bear hug and slams her cock in Inara's pussy . They go till big cumshot in the womb. Both with orgasmic faces.