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This page is kind of more world building than anything else... Sort of establishing the social structure and racial tension apparent in this fantasy world. We're also trying to hint at the idea that the world also contains classic "adventurers", who have access to rare and exotic treasure.

With the Orc Girl I sort of designed her armor to be a kind of... "right-handed defensive" style. She's heavily armored on her left side, which she uses for defense in combat, while her right side is lightly armored to allow quick strikes. lol if we ever do have any fight scenes with her they'll be a long way away, but we've got at least a sign of how she would fight... a bit more like a gladiator than a soldier.




Awesome! Sexy Orc lady wins the day! If this had been a Japanese manga or most other comics I've seen, the short pig merchant guy would have bought them all. I.e. Dumb! And the Orc gal would have been a background character at best. I.e. Double dumb!


Well i am going outside the norm with the orc character , but we will see him again lol


To be honest I just kind of included the fat aristocrat in the earlier page to mess with people and have them worry that they're going to have to see him naked lol