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It's been a while, but we're continuing the story of Side Dishes 2. I know we've got a few new patrons, so I made sure to include all the previous pages of Side Dishes 2 as an attachment so everyone can get caught up. I don't know if everyone knows the details, but this sequel to Side Dishes is actually being commissioned/written by Kenneth... so it doesn't use the traditional voting system that Side Dishes is known for. Although Kenneth is still open to suggestions, so if you have an idea for the story or just a scene you'd like to see feel free to mention it here.

BTW, voting on Side Dishes has ended, and it looks like the longest option won lol that's fine by me, though.  Although it's going to be some time before we vote again.




I fill like I am lost with this page, what happen to Anastasia


Ah sorry the intent was to imply that Sondra and Anastasia had just finished charging the jewel with sex energy, just like how lily had her jewel charged with sex earlier


Finally back with Anastasia and the Monster girls! This part of the story will focus in on the monster trio as well as sexy times between everyone, especially Sindra and Anastasia.


Sounds good, waaaaay back when, I believe we had a whole back story regarding the relationship between The chiefs and the monster girls. If I remember correctly The Chiefs came to the island long ago when seafaring opened up the world, the monstergirls got friendly with them and they gave the chiefs immortality on the premise that they will have their children, the Monstergirls are not very fertile and this can take hundreds of years, hence the arrangement they did this by making them half monster, hence the super penis and exotic penis. However the chieftians enjoyed having sex with the locals more, using the gifts given to them and did not want to die after a time they betrayed the monstergirls and seaed them with their own power. Time passes and the monstergirls are mostly relagated to hearsay (they rarely mingled with the tribes) and genrations of screwing the locals and having children made all the locals futa. I might not of remembered everything right but I think most of it should be... So how much of this is still true to the story? Just curious ;p