Bonus: Lisette Vs. Predator (Patreon)
2016-07-23 00:38:45
I feel like this needs some explanation... in the current story for Side Dishes, our patron-guided story available on our patreon, Lisette is a little green alien with a futa cock and a pair of tentacles to go with it. Someone liked her design, so he commissioned some pinups of her having sex with a female Yautja (aka: Predator). This was pretty challenging for me because I don't really get the appeal of getting a blowjob from a Predator, but I tried to embrace the idea fully instead of trying to find workarounds for it. We made a few changes to traditional predator design... we gave her visible ears so that Lisette's little tentacles would have something to do, and we gave her a tongue, because why not? Also, Lisette's cum is pink, because y'know... alien.
Also, I've come down with something, so at the behest of my wife I'm taking today off of work to eat a bunch of soup and recover. My fever's pretty much gone now, so hopefully it's just a one-day thing.