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Just now got approval to share this pinup... the client really likes the look of succubi in this series, and wanted to create his own character in that style. He settled on the name Amari, and she's meant to have a dominant personality and be very physically fit, but not bulky. When he first described her design he told me to basically take her tits and cock as far as I was willing to go, and although this extra-massive cock was based on that idea of me just going as far as possible, he actually asked me to reduce the breast size (yes, they were even bigger at an earlier point) mostly so you can actually see her figure underneath.




Will this character be established in story line or is she just a experiment sketch


Definitely add her to the main story. Look forward to seeing her in action. She could very well be the succubi's mother or something.


This is a commission of the client's own character. So she'll likely continue to appear in commissions in the future but there aren't plans to include her in BCC proper.