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So I had a separate Patron commission more art from this little alternate reality version of Dark Side Ahsoka, as opposed to the patron who originally commissioned the earlier pinups (and also suggested the Banana Shortcake story). I actually had a bit of a mistake with this pinup... the commissioner wanted Barris with her hood down, but I was being a bit too lax with getting his approval on every step of the work, so he didn't realize she had been drawn with the hood until it was too late. He actually commissioned another piece, what will be going up next weekend, where we made sure to stay in tighter contact through the whole project.

Speaking of commissions, I offer a discounted 2-character pinup commission to Patrons on Patreon for $50. I only offer 4 slots for that reward tier, but going through my records I realized that one person had actually been filling a slot for months without ever actually finalizing his pledge (or finalizing any of the pledges he had made to the many other Patrons he had pledged to, based on his user page). So after deleting his account that means there's another $50 commission slot available on our Patreon page.



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