20-26 PSD (Patreon)
2016-08-29 00:22:00
I'm interested in working on print versions of the comic, but before I do I want to gauge reader opinions on the idea. If the comic does get printed, how would you want to see it? Would you want each issue to get its own printing? Or would you prefer something more like an omnibus? Would you even be interested in a printed version of the comic at all? I know that there are a few people interested in print, but to justify the cost of printing I feel like I need to gauge reader interest a little more closely. I'm open to suggestion right now, though, especially if you know a good place that can print good quality adult comics (a lot of printers won't do adult art at all). Right now I sell e-book versions of the comic through Mikandi, but their comics service is technically in beta right now, and it often has technical bugs (at least on my end. I believe the comics, when they are successfully uploaded and published, work fine for readers).